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Down, But Not Out…

Last updated on September 22, 2022

Wow… where has the time gone?

I started this journal a couple years ago and the idea was to be posting regularly to be able to keep you all informed about all I’ve been doing throughout Eorzea. I do believe that went out the window, at least, not entirely out the window. If that were the case, I wouldn’t be here writing what I am writing now…

So… you all may be wondering what all has happened since the last time I wrote anything.

Well…. A LOT!

So much… I don’t even know where to start, actually.

After the restoration of Ishgard, I was sent off to the First to help my fellow Scions return back to the Source. I spent a lot of time there and Il Mheg is absolutely captivating. Not only was I helping my fellow Scions get back, but I was restoring darkness back to the First as they were drowning in Light. After all that was done, I saw myself in the heart of the Garlean Empire and even found myself meeting the twins’ (Alphinaud and Alisaie) mother and father in Old Sharlayan

The trip over to Old Sharlayan was not without it’s headaches and hardships. The journey there was to help in preventing the coming of the Final Days. There was a lot of sadness there that I try to keep buried.

But that is that….

There was a moment where I thought I found my true love in my adventures. I was Eternal Bonded for a whopping 12 days before they left me. I still don’t know what it is I did wrong and the pain is still there because I really loved her. I’m trying to take things day by day and move on. It is hard because we are in the same Free Company and I have to also deal with the fact that she invited a friend that she spends a lot of time with into the Free Company as well to just keep rubbing salt into the wound. I love the Free Company too much to leave it, so, I’ll just ignore them both and just go back to doing my own thing and try to meet new people and make new friends.

Some things I have done to keep my mind busy is work on my Island Sanctuary. Sadly, even that is hard since I have memories of my ex there. I will also try and go to venues to try and have some fun. Though… I think I may be unable to go to a couple because of her. I’ve not tried and I am a little scared to with everything that has happened between us. I don’t want to cause any problems for either one of us.

I think that is about it though… a summary of what has been happening the past couple of years.

I have probably said this before, but, I will try and post more often. Maybe tonight will be another venue night, or, I’ll just chill in my FC room and relax in front of my fireplace. People are welcome to stop by and visit. My FC is in the Mist, Ward 10, Plot 5. My room is #94. Stop by and leave a message in my book and tell me what you think.

Until my next post…

Happy adventuring!

Published inAdventure

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